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  • Writer's pictureAlexis Hughes Darling

Celebrating World Ocean Day: Supporting Ocean-Dependent Tourism

Updated: Jun 7

June 8th is #WorldOceanDay, a global celebration highlighting the critical role our oceans play in sustaining life on Earth. This day is dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of protecting our oceans, which cover over 70% of the planet's surface and are essential to our climate, food security, and biodiversity. By preserving and restoring ocean health, we safeguard our future.

At Bridge Sustainability, we are proud to contribute to this mission through our recent partnership with the Tourism Sustainability Network (TSN) program. This initiative aims to enhance the sustainability of tourism businesses, many of which rely on the ocean for their operations. Through one-on-one coaching, we have helped a variety of businesses improve their environmental practices, and boost their sustainability scores.

In celebration of #WorldOceanDay, we want to highlight three recent clients whose operations are intrinsically linked to the ocean, and how our services helped support their sustainability initiatives:

Campbell River Whale Watching and Adventure Tours is renowned for delivering exceptional wildlife viewing and adventure tours. As Northern Vancouver Island’s first carbon-neutral eco-tour company, they are committed to minimizing their environmental footprint and promoting responsible wildlife viewing.

What We Did: We assessed Campbell River Whale Watching’s website for sustainability content and provided tailored content for an engaging and dedicated sustainability page. Additionally, we assisted in developing sustainability storytelling, aligning with their brand values to enhance the company’s message of conservation and eco-conscious tourism

Vancouver Island Sea Salt has pioneered the production of sea salt in Canada, transforming the pristine waters of Vancouver Island into a world-class product. Their operations epitomize sustainability, achieving a full circularity where every drop of seawater is utilized, from producing sea salt to creating by-products like nigari tofu coagulant.

What We Did: Our team reviewed and assessed the company’s  communication channels, including the website, #Amazon, and social media. We provided recommendations to enhance their sustainability messaging, suggested content for a dedicated sustainability page, and offered storytelling ideas focused on their salt harvesting and sustainability initiatives. Additionally, we developed a walking trail with signage themes to educate visitors about sustainability and enrich the visitor experience.

Windsure Adventure Watersports offers windsurfing, paddleboarding, and other watersports against the stunning backdrop of Jericho Beach. They have been fostering the local watersport culture since 1977, making them a key player in Vancouver's vibrant outdoor activity scene.

What We Did: Currently, we are researching sustainable waste management options for Windsure’s equipment, including windsurfing and paddleboards at the end of their lifecycle. Additionally, we are identifying sustainable purchasing options and vendors to help them transition to more environmentally friendly operations.


On this #WorldOceanDay, we reflect on the invaluable contributions of our oceans and the necessity of preserving them. Through our work with the TSN program, Bridge Sustainability is committed to helping ocean-reliant tourism businesses enhance their sustainability practices. By supporting these businesses, we aim to foster a more sustainable future, ensuring that our oceans remain vibrant and healthy for generations to come.

Join us in celebrating our oceans by exploring and supporting sustainable tourism operators and companies that honor and protect our precious marine environments!

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