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Client Portfolio Highlights 

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Featured Projects 

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Sustainable Grounds &
Water Management Strategies

We collaborated with Milner Gardens and Woodland to enhance their sustainable grounds management practices. Our work included advising on water management strategies, sourcing electric ride-on lawnmowers, and facilitating partnerships for material reuse. Additionally, we provided guidance on sustainability-focused grants and developed a sustainable events checklist for future.

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Sustainability Storytelling & Communications

We assessed Vancouver Island Sea Salt's communication channels, and recommended sustainability enhancements. We proposed content for a dedicated sustainability page and crafted narratives on salt harvesting, production, and eco-initiatives. Our ideas for trail signage aim to enrich the tourism journey to their airstream retail shop.

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Sustainability Assessment & Action Plan Development

We conducted a GSTC Assessment for the golf club, identifying key areas for sustainability improvement. Based on this assessment, we developed a detailed Action Plan designed to enhance sustainability performance and score over the long term. Our team also crafted compelling content for the club's sustainability page, outlining a clear vision, mission, values, and suggested goals. 

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Sustainable Tourism Development & Communications Framework

We conducted a research report on sustainable tourism development in Canada and developed a communications framework to define the key attributes of sustainable and regenerative tourism destinations. This framework informs Destination Canada's storytelling strategy in key international markets.

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Sustainability Assessment &
Impact Report Development 

We completed a comprehensive sustainability assessment of TreeCycle's company operations and expansion plans. We drafted an Impact Report to be utilized in business development and to lobby governments for the enactment of by-laws addressing urban tree waste.


Green Communications &
Content Development

We conducted a project focusing on stakeholder engagement, communications strategy development, and impact reporting. This included a complete rebranding and website development to align with new sustainability strategies.

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